An Unsuitable Duchess

March 2016.

About An Unsuitable Duchess

Cover of An Unsuitable Duchess by Carolyn Jewel

Novella from the anthology Dancing in The Duke’s Arms

Carolyn Jewel, March 2016

ebook ISBN: 978-1-937823-39-9
Print ISBN: 978-1-937823-48-1 - cJewel Books
Print ISBN: 978-1523679461 - CreateSpace

His ruthless reputation knows no bounds. Does she have any chance of thawing his heart?

The Duke of Stoke Teversault is cold, calculating, and forbidding. He couldn’t be any different from recently-widowed Georgina Lark. She’s blithe and open and she’d make a particularly unsuitable duchess. And yet, the Duke has loved her since well before her late husband swept her off her feet.

When Georgina and her sister arrive at the Duke's home, she can tell he’s not as callous as she once believed. As his ice-bound interior begins to melt away, can she convince him to open his heart to her?

An Unsuitable Duchess is a Regency romance novella featuring an austere duke and a sweet, playful widow. If you like charming love, steamy passion, and when opposites attract, then you’ll love Carolyn Jewel’s entertaining read.

Buy An Unsuitable Duchess to watch the Duke stumble into love today!

Read chapter 1

Where to Get An Unsuitable Duchess

Smashwords | Amazon | Barnes&Noble | Apple Books | Google Play | Kobo | Print

Availability Status

Print: Yes!

Audio: Maybe.

eBook: Yes!

Do you have the most recent version? (Per the change log in back of the book)

  • 2016.02.20

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